Archive for the ‘Linux’ Category

Disabling suspend and hibernate on Fedora 16

Sunday, November 27th, 2011

One somewhat annoying change in Gnome 3 is the fact that Power Off is not exposed to the end-user unless suspend and hibernate are not available. If suspend does not work for some reason (buggy hardware), there is no easy way to disable it.

Recently suggestions to edit /usr/share/polkit-1/actions/org.freedesktop.upower.policy have started circulating the blogosphere.

Unfortunately editing anything under /usr/share is a bad idea: the changes will be silently overwritten by the next package update (upower for this particular file).

Thus we need something more permanent.


Fedora 15 authentication error

Thursday, October 6th, 2011

May this post help the mighty Google to help these poor people who somehow corrupt the security label of their /etc/shadow file. Their ability to log into the system (with any user) disappears and the error messages are all but helpful:

unix_chkpwd[700]: could not obtain user info (root)
passwd: Authentication token manipulation error


Sinu Ubuntu on Sinu teenistuses

Tuesday, October 12th, 2010

Kallis Sõber!

Sättisin natuke Sinu Linuxit et teha uustulnuka elu veidi kergemaks. Tarkvara paigaldamiseks on menüüs Ubuntu Software Center. Lisasin sealt järgmised vidinad:
